Your Summit Team has been working hard to share session details so you can best plan which team members to bring to Alabama this September. We are adding more training opportunities and have information on hotels and pricing!

Thanks to the incredible response so far from Summit registrations and to the feedback from last year’s post-event survey, we are adding a new track! This is exciting news! Brand new for Summit 2024 – Back to Basics: TouchPoint Training.

Please find the breakdown of sessions for each track listed below.
**Please allow grace in this; it’s very likely to change before September! We’re releasing a pre-finalized draft so your team can best plan.

Session Topics By Track

Executive Pastor

– Making TouchPoint Your Own
– XP Panel: TouchPoint Feature That Have Benefitted Our Church The Most
– Ministry Partner Session
– Consulting Audit & Consulting Services
– Reports & Dashboards For Measuring Ministry Impact

Developer / IT

– Infrastructure
– Development QA/Release Process
– Creating Custom Home Pages & Dashboards
– Coding Best Practices
– Using HTML to Enhance Your Registrations (Beginner Level)

Database Administrator

– Building Your First Process: First-Time Visitor & First-Time Giver
– New Feature Show & Tell
– DBA Power User Panel / Show & Tell / Q&A
– New Feature Show & Tell
– Ready, Set, Engage!

Ministry Frontlines

– All Things Check-In
– Creating & Managing Mission Trips
– Background Checks Best Practices
– Maximizing TouchPoint For Lay Leaders
– Registrations Advanced


– TouchPoint As A Marketing Tool
– Creating General Emails & Newsletters
– Texting
– Branding TouchPoint
– Ministry Partner Session


– New Feature Show & Tell
– Customizing & Generating Giving Statements
– TP Giving Finance Reports
– Finance Roundtable: Reconciliation Processes
– Ministry Partner Session

New To TouchPoint

– Converting To TouchPoint
– Encouraging Team Adoption, Training Staff, Rolling Out To Congregation
– Attendance Best Practices
– What Can I Do With My Mobile App?
– Creating Your Membership Process Inside Of TouchPoint

Back To Basics: TouchPoint Training

– Administrative Setup
– Search Builder Basics & Helpful Searches
– Registrations For Beginners
– Tasks & Notes To Advance Your Ministry Outreach
– Using Scheduler To Manage Your Sunday Mornings

Summit Accommodations

Room links are now available for both hotels! Please do not wait to book your team’s rooms! We secured more rooms this year than the prior two, but our blocks reached capacity in both 2023 and 2022!

For more information on accommodations, please visit our Summit Landing Page.

Haven’t Signed Up Yet? It’s Not Too Late To Save!

That’s right — we extended Early Bird savings, so you can save $15/ticket if you register by the end of March!

We are six months away from our annual Summit! Last year’s event was the best one yet, and we can’t wait to continue the momentum this year! Below are some quick details on this year’s event and you can learn more on our Summit Landing Page.

  • Who: We have tracks for Executive Pastor, Database Administrators, Ministry Frontlines, Communications, IT/Developer, Finance, and those New To TouchPoint. Bring your whole team!
  • What: If you’ve never joined us for Summit, our annual event is an opportunity for church staff members to learn unique ways to utilize TouchPoint and also network with others in similar roles.
  • When: Tuesday, September 17th through Thursday, September 19th, 2024.
  • Where: We are hosted by our wonderful partner, Vestavia Methodist Church in the beautiful Birmingham, Alabama. (See our Summit Landing Page for more information on location.)
  • Why: For greater Kingdom impact. We are honored to provide the tools that will allow you to accomplish your goals and the space to collaborate with others.
Want more information on Summit? Check out our Summit Landing Page!


Check Out Highlights From Summit 2023!

We can’t wait to see you in Alabama!

– Your TouchPoint Summit Team

Hayley Whitworth • Jan 31, 2024

Couldn’t catch the latest webinar? Fear not!

The start of the new year is a great time to freshen up your database. Andrew and Cody kicked things off discussing why we need to be concerned about untidy data and how an organized database allows us to best minister to our flock. They covered some great ways to evaluate the state of your database and then take immediate steps towards cleaning things up.

Get Caught Up Now!

Jan 10, 2024

Miss the annual Fireside Chat? Get caught up!

Hear from Ross, Morgan, Chris, Andrew, and Carla on our annual Fireside Chat. The team provided updates across several areas as well as peeked ahead into this year’s roadmap.

Watch Now

Dec 12, 2023

Join us for 30 minutes this Thursday!

‘Tis the Season! As 2023 comes to a close, we invite you to join us for our annual Fireside Chat. Ross, Morgan, Chris, and other members of the TouchPoint team will gather around to chat about 2023 highlights and what’s ahead for 2024.

Join us this Thursday at 1pm Central for 30 minutes!

Sign Me Up! 

Hayley Whitworth • Nov 28, 2023

This is a webinar you don’t want to miss!

We have a special guest host this month: Sarah Cavanaugh, Database Administrator with Mount Pisgah Methodist Church, will be discussing processes for First Time Guests. With the holiday season in full swing, we’re likely seeing an uptick in visitors. How well do we welcome them and follow-up with them (both inside and outside of TouchPoint)?

Sarah has served at Mount Pisgah for over 9 years and has been using TouchPoint for 6 years. She is full of great tips and tricks for making Sunday (and beyond!) smooth.

Grab a seat!

Thursday, November 30 – 2pm Central

Register Now