Understand Your Congregation
Like Never Before
Embrace a New Era of Data-Driven Church-Management with TouchPoint’s Exclusive Engagement Monitoring
Real-Time Engagement
Engagement monitoring reaches across all parts of the TouchPoint system: attendance, giving, volunteer activity, event participation — even email activity. Points are added up weekly based on different things like if someone attends small group, serves frequently, participates in a mission trip, reads an email, etc.
This score helps show how active each person is in church life. Your team gets to decide which activities are essential and how many points they’re worth, making it a unique scorecard for your community.
With TouchPoint’s Engagement Score, your team will be able to track and address changes in churchgoer activity, creating avenues for increased participation and deeper connection to Christ.
Key Features
Changes In Engagement
Engagement activity is visible on a person’s record in a graphical format and through various reports and searches.
The most important thing to watch for is when a person’s engagement changes. A change in someone’s engagement is often a key indicator that something is going on in the person’s life where the church can step in and care for the person.
What should you do? Automate a task for a staff person to reach out and ask the person how they are doing or if they have specific ways the church can be praying for them. This simple act can help the church discover a key life event (like a lost job, sick family member, or other crisis) where the church can care for this person and prevent them from slipping out the back door…before it is too late.
By tracking your churchgoers’ engagement, you can identify areas where they are engaged and where they need more encouragement. You can also use engagement scores to target your outreach efforts and make sure that your church is meeting the needs of your church body.