Join us tomorrow, June 27th, at 2 PM CST for our Q2 New Features Webinar, hosted by Chris Dolan and Hayley Whitworth. This informative session will cover the latest updates, including new mobile app features, finance changes, and more. Don’t miss this opportunity to stay informed and enhance your church operations with our latest tools and strategies. Plus, we’ll be giving a special send-off to Chris Dolan as he concludes his time at TouchPoint.

Register now to ensure you don’t miss out on these exciting updates!

In our March New Features Webinar, we discussed the new Translations feature available in TouchPoint. The initial release included the ability to translate English word/phrases and the groundwork to add new languages. We are excited to announce that our recent update enabled Spanish translations!

Users can switch languages in TouchPoint by clicking on the Earth icon in the top right of the menu bar and then selecting English or Spanish from the Available Languages section.

To modify any of the translations, an Admin can navigate to Admin > Advanced > Translations and make any necessary changes.

More languages will be added in the near future. If you have requests for specific languages, please let us know!

The June release was deployed Monday night, June 10. This includes new features and updates to existing features.

Finance Updates

The biggest update in this release is the completion of Phase 3 of the finance changes that we’ve been talking about for several months. This phase includes the new, improved Transactions Report that combines the current Contributions Search and Transactions Log. This new report will be released into beta initially, so most churches will not see it on their database. After further testing, we plan to make it available to everyone.

The following items will be visible to all churches immediately:

The following miscellaneous changes will also be included in the release:

In addition to the above finance and other miscellaneous changes, several items related to the New Registrations have been addressed. The new registrations are in beta with several churches, and we are working hard to put the new forms through rigorous testing so that they can be made available for all churches as soon as possible.

Here are the updated items:

We’re excited to announce a recent update designed further to safeguard our online giving platform against card testing fraud. If you use our platform for donations, please read on and implement these new settings immediately to enhance security.

What is Card Testing?

Card testing occurs when fraudsters verify if stolen credit or debit cards are active by making small transactions. At TouchPoint, we strive to balance ease of use for your donors with robust security measures to minimize such fraudulent activities. While no system is completely failproof, our continuous updates aim to bolster your protection.

Important Note: If card testing occurs on your system, neither you nor your donors are at risk. The fraudster gains no information about you or your donors.

Why This Matters

Any payment system can be targeted for card testing. Our goal is to prevent large-scale abuse by implementing measures that discourage fraudsters from using our platform. The latest update introduces velocity checks on failed transactions, which you can enable under “Admin Settings” > “Finance > Online Giving.”

Five New Settings

Here’s a detailed look at the new options available:

Enable Failed Transaction Limit: Activates the new security feature, allowing you to customize the following settings.

Failed Consecutive Gift Lockout: This setting sets the number of failed transactions allowed before blocking further attempts. The default is set to three, meaning that after three failed attempts, the user will be blocked on the fourth attempt. You can adjust this to make the system stricter or more lenient.

Failed Transaction Time Frame: Defines the time window for tracking failed transactions. The default is 15 minutes. If someone makes two attempts and then waits 20 minutes before trying again, they won’t be blocked. This ensures genuine donors aren’t accidentally blocked.

Failed Transaction Block Time: This determines how long a user is blocked after reaching the failed transaction limit. The default is 60 minutes, meaning the block lasts one hour. Card testers typically move on after being blocked, reducing the likelihood of repeat attempts.

***Failed Transaction Ignored IPs: (Most Important)
This setting is crucial. It allows you to list IP addresses that are exempt from velocity checks. Separate multiple IPs with commas. Adding your church’s IP is recommended to prevent accidental blocking of legitimate donors with multiple failed attempts. Ensuring your church’s IP is listed will help maintain smooth operation for genuine transactions and avoid disruptions in your regular donation processes.

Emphasizing Security

We want to reiterate that your system and donors are not at risk from card testing. These transactions indicate fraudsters are attempting to test stolen cards on public platforms. By implementing these settings, we aim to make it significantly harder for them to exploit your giving page.

Please contact our support team through the TouchPoint platform if you have questions or need assistance. We are here to help ensure a secure and smooth giving experience for your donors.

As of today, the New Navigation Menu is now the default menu for all users in TouchPoint. We know that change is never easy, but we believe that after using the new layout for a bit, you will find that options are now laid out in a more logical manner. For those of you that did not try it during the beta period, here are a few highlights of the new menu.

If you have any issues with the new navigation, please contact Support and let us know. If you need to temporarily revert back to the old navigation menu, you can do so by clicking the User menu at the top-right and toggling the New Navigation off.

As we blogged about early last month, we will be flipping the switch next week, so everyone will have the New Navigation Menu as the default. We hope you’ve had a chance to test it out and familiarize yourself with the new, improved layout. If not, we encourage you to go ahead and manually turn it on for yourself now.

We appreciate all the feedback we’ve received from those of you who have already been testing out the New Menu, and we will be releasing any necessary tweaks prior to turning it on for everyone. The New Menu will be live when you log in to TouchPoint on Tuesday, April 9. If you have any difficulty navigating the New Menu, you will still have the option to toggle back to the old menu for a period of time.

As always, if you have any questions, please contact Support through TouchPoint’s Database.

See all the latest updates and what’s to come by watching last month’s New Features Webinar!

Are you ready to dive into the latest updates from TouchPoint Software? Mark your calendars because you won’t want to miss our upcoming webinar, featuring Hayley and Chris, as they unveil the newest features, those in beta testing, and what’s on the horizon for TouchPoint!

Special Date Announcement

Please note, exceptionally for this month, our webinar will be held on Tuesday, March 26 at 2 PM CST, not our usual Thursday slot. Ensure you mark this change in your calendar to not miss out!

Why Attend?

This quarterly update is a perfect opportunity for all TouchPoint users to get firsthand insights into how we’re evolving. We’re putting your feedback to work, striving to make TouchPoint the most efficient and user-friendly system available. Whether you’re curious about our latest releases, eager to hear about what’s currently in testing, or interested in what’s coming down the pipeline, this webinar is for you!

What to Expect

Who Should Attend?

This webinar is a must-attend event for all TouchPoint users! If you’re looking to maximize your use of TouchPoint, curious about what’s next, or simply interested in learning more about our software, this webinar is designed for you.

Join Us

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn more about the latest and greatest from TouchPoint Software. Stay ahead of the curve, understand the new functionalities, and get ready to make the most out of your TouchPoint experience.

Mark your calendars for Tuesday, March 26 at 2 PM CST. This is a special scheduling for this month only, shifting from our usual Thursday meetings to Tuesday. Be sure to adjust your schedules accordingly!

Ready to Reserve Your Spot?

Sign up now to ensure your place in this essential webinar. Join us as we explore the forefront of TouchPoint’s innovation and how it can benefit you. Click here to register and secure your attendance for Tuesday, March 26 at 2 PM CST. It’s crucial to remember this unique scheduling to not miss this insightful session!

In today’s digital age, where the first impression is often the last, having a cohesive and well-branded online presence is crucial for any organization. This principle holds especially true for your giving page, a central point of interaction for supporters and donors. If you’re noticing a disconnect between your giving page and the overall branding of your website, it’s time for an “Extreme Makeover: Giving Page Edition.”

The Importance of a Well-Branded Giving Page

A giving page that seamlessly integrates with the rest of your website not only strengthens your brand identity but also builds trust and confidence among potential donors. Think about it: when was the last time you evaluated your giving page? Does it reflect your organization’s ethos and values? Remember, our God is glorified through quality and excellence, and your giving page should be no exception.

Potential Donor Concerns

Mismatched branding on your giving page can create confusion and doubt, making potential donors wonder if they’ve been redirected to a different site. This sense of unease can become a significant barrier to generosity, preventing people from contributing to your cause. It’s essential to ensure that every aspect of your giving page, from visuals to messaging, aligns with your overall branding to encourage and facilitate donations.

Customized Solutions for Every Need

Recognizing the need for flexibility and customization, we offer to create tailored giving pages for various aspects of your organization. Whether you’re looking to have a page designed for a specific ministry, missions fund, or capital campaign, we’ve got you covered. Our team is dedicated to delivering high-quality, branded giving pages that resonate with your audience and amplify your fundraising efforts.

Efficient and Effective Service

Understanding the urgency and importance of having an optimized giving page, we promise a swift turnaround time of just one hour per page. This efficient service ensures that your new, branded giving pages are up and running quickly, minimizing any disruption to your donation process.

Get Started Today!

Are you ready to give your giving page the makeover it deserves? Click here to begin the transformation and elevate your donation experience. Let’s work together to create a giving page that not only looks great but also effectively supports your organization’s mission, glorifying our God through quality and excellence.

Remember, in the realm of online donations, your giving page is more than just a transaction point—it’s a reflection of your commitment to your cause and your supporters. Don’t let an outdated or off-brand giving page hinder your fundraising efforts. Opt for an extreme makeover today and watch as your giving page transforms into a powerful tool that encourages generosity and supports your organization’s goals.

Birthday Cakes, Paper Airplanes, and Cameras… Oh My! 

Let’s talk about customizing your Check-In labels. We have added new and helpful information to the Check-In labels!

Can you add our logo?
You bet! 
Can you add icons for things like photo releases?
No brainer! 
Can you make the child’s name bigger?
When we’re done, you’ll be able to read Suzy’s name from space—or at least from the other side of the room. 

The TouchPoint Label Builder provides all the flexibility you need to create customized labels that meet your team’s specific needs. 

Elements are super simple to add and include subgroups, parent names, contact info, and allergies. You can even add icons that correspond to Status Flags! 

Good question; calm down. Below, we have a church example. This church added a paper airplane icon to indicate that this child is approved to self-release and a camera icon to indicate that the team has approval to take and use a photo of this kiddo. 

Now your staff and volunteers all know at a glance how to best support little Suzy without needing to go through files, asking another leader, or finding her parents!