Nov 01, 2022
We have released a few Check-In enhancements, based on feedback from our partner churches. These updates make Check-In much easier and streamlined for your staff.
***IMPORTANT: In order for these updates to work properly, you must log out of your Check-In kiosks and log back in. ***
Check-In Reached Capacity/Closed Items – On the Check-In kiosk, badges are now displayed when a class is Full (has reached capacity) or has been manually Closed, and people will not be able to self-check in to those classes. In Admin mode, when Visit or Join has been selected, the list of available classes will also show these labels, when appropriate, but Full or Closed classes can still be selected.
Add Family – In the Check-In Profile under your Administration menu, you will see a new tab named Add Family. Here, you can enable the ability to Add a Family all at once in Check-In. In addition to Add Person, you will also see Add Family as an option when searching for someone in Admin Mode. You can then optionally add them as Visitors or Members of a Class.

See the Check-In Profiles and Using Check-In help articles for more information.