May 17, 2023
In 2022, we released the following Grade and Promotion updates:
- A new Grade Level dropdown in an Involvement and people record which includes standard grade levels as well as the ability to add additional levels through Lookup Codes. To add new levels, mark as True a setting named Allow New Grade Levels (Administration > Settings > System > Administration). Reports that include Grade are updated to reflect the new Grade field.
- We also added an Admin Setting named Grade Update Date. On this date each year, the Grade for each child will automatically “promote” to the next Grade Level.
- A new Admin setting named Hide Grade Legacy will allow you to hide the legacy Grade field once you no longer need to see this information.
As Vacation Bible School and other registrations are being created for the Summer and Fall, please consider the following:
- Review your Grade Update Date setting to make sure it is correct for your church’s promotion timeline.
- When including the Grade question in an Involvement, consider when the registration is being posted versus when you will have the Grade automatically update with the setting. If someone says they will be in 11th grade in the Fall, then the update occurs after that, they will end up being promoted twice.
- When someone is added to your database and then added to a Main Fellowship Involvement that has a Grade populated on the Settings > General tab, that Grade will be added to the person’s record. It will not be added to a record of someone that already has a Grade on their profile.
See these articles for more information: